Wednesday 9 November 2011

The Eleventh Hour

My Prayer for Armistice Day

Matthew twenty six
And about the eleventh hour, He went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’

 November 11th marks Remembrance Day and I sense a deep spiritual significance of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year.

Remembrance Day is a time of gathering at the cenotaph in remembrance of those who served. The word cenotaph is the Greek word for ‘empty tomb’ and it is at the empty tomb where we remember and honour those who laid down their lives for peace.

Historically, the root of Remembrance Day traces back to Armistice Day. It marks the day of surrender when armies laid down their weapons, the enemy evacuated the land and prisoners of war were set free. It was a time when allies were unified, justice prevailed and honour was restored. 

Occupied land was returned to rightful kings, economic reparation was made for damages incurred and wealth and resources returned to rightful owners. Communications, roadways and bridges opened and one could communicate and travel without interference, roadblocks and ambushes.

Armistice Day was a day of surrender for the enemy and a day of victory for the king. On this historic day, a peace treaty was signed and sealed, and the kings’ authority was restored.

My Prayer for the Eleventh Hour

Matthew twenty four thirty one
And he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet,
and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

My prayer for Remembrance Day is that God decrees Armistice Day for the Kingdom of God. I pray that we remember in silence the sacrifice of the cloud of witnesses as we gather around the cenotaph altar. I pray that God releases His resurrection power across our nation so that veterans will dream dreams and young warriors will see visions.

I pray for a day of reparation when justice is served, spiritual POW’s are released and the silent wounds of war are healed.  I pray that the weapons we carry, fashion into plowshares and our sickles sharpen for the harvest.

I pray that the Highway of Holiness opens; mercy passports are stamped and access is granted without ambush or roadblock.  I pray that we march to hostile occupied territory and the enemy evacuates.

 I pray a day of blessing and that the economy of God transfers into the hands of righteous landowners. I pray that the communication airways open and our intercession releases heaven to rain new wine. I pray that allies unify and Acts 29 is recorded in the Book of Remembrance.

I pray that at the eleventh hour, we surrender our idleness and go to labour in the fields.

I pray that when the clock strikes eleven on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year, the trumpet announces Armistice Day for the Kingdom of God
and honour is restored to our King.

Matthew twenty five six
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh;
go ye out to meet him.

The Eleventh Hour Clock- The clock at the Brussels 'Palais de Congrès' shows the world's history over the past 2000 years. The figure at the eleventh hour is the soldier of World War 1.

The Cenotaph, which is the Greek word for "empty tomb", has continued to be the national focal point for the Armistice Day commemorations.

The word armistice comes from the Latin word armistitium from arma or arms and stitium which means stoppage or a temporary cessation from fighting or the use of arms or a truce. This truce signified a cessation of hostilities as a prelude of peace. Peace is the state in the absence of war; a respite from disagreeable state of affairs.

The terms of Armistice:

-All occupied lands in Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Alsace-Lorraine, held since 1870 by Germany–were to be evacuated within fourteen days.
-The Allies were to occupy land in Germany to the west of the River Rhine and bridgeheads on the river’s east bank.
-German forces had to be withdrawn from Austria-Hungary, Romania, and Turkey.
-Germany was to surrender to neutral or Allied ports 10 battleships, 6 battle cruisers, 8 cruisers, and 160 submarines.
-Germany was stripped of heavy armaments, including 5,000 artillery pieces, 25,000 machine guns, and 2,000 airplanes.
-Germany would be blamed for the war and reparations would be paid for all damage caused.
-Roads and means of communication of every kind, railroads, waterways, main roads, bridges, telegraphs, telephones, shall be in no manner impaired.
-Immediate cessation of all hostilities at sea and definite information to be given as to the location and movements of all German ships.
Freedom of access to and from the Baltic to be given to the naval and mercantile marines of the allied and associated powers.
-The following financial conditions are required: Reparation for damage done. While such armistice lasts no public securities shall be removed by the enemy which can serve as a pledge to the Allies for the recovery or reparation for war losses. Immediate restitution of the cash deposit in the national bank of Belgium, and in general immediate return of all documents, specie, stocks, shares, paper money, together with plant for the issue thereof, touching public or private interests in the invaded countries.
Restitution of the Russian and Rumanian gold yielded to Germany or taken by that power. This gold to be delivered in trust to the Allies until the signature of peace.

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